
(2024). Large Language Model-Enhanced Algorithm Selection: Towards Comprehensive Algorithm Representation. in The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jeju, Korea. (Accepted).

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(2024). Scaling Supervised Local Learning with Augmented Auxiliary Networks. in International Conference on Learning Representations. (Accepted).

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(2024). TC-LIF: A Two-Compartment Spiking Neuron Model for Long-term Sequential Modelling. in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada. (Accepted).

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(2024). Spiking-LEAF: A Learnable Auditory front-end for Spiking Neural Networks. in ICASSP-2024, Seoul, Korea. (Accepted).

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(2024). Mixed prototype Correction for Causal Inference in Medical Image Classification. in ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia. (Accepted).


(2024). Global-Local Convolution with Spiking Neural Networks for Energy-efficient Keyword Spotting. in Interspeech 2024.

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(2024). Efficient Online Learning for Networks of Two-Compartment Spiking Neurons. in The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Yokohama, Japan. (Accepted).

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(2024). EEG-based Auditory Attention Detection with Spiking Graph Convolutional Network. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.

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(2024). Delay learning based on temporal coding in Spiking Neural Networks. Neural Networks.

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(2023). LC-TTFS: Towards Lossless Network Conversion for Spiking Neural Networks with TTFS Coding. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.

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(2023). A Hybrid Neural Coding Approach for Pattern Recognition with Spiking Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

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(2022). Training spiking neural networks with local tandem learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.

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(2022). A hybrid learning framework for deep spiking neural networks with one-spike temporal coding. in ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

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(2021). Target speaker verification with selective auditory attention for single and multi-talker speech. IEEE/ACM Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing.

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(2021). Rethinking Benchmarks for Neuromorphic Learning Algorithms. in 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

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(2021). Rectified linear postsynaptic potential function for backpropagation in deep spiking neural networks. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems.

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(2021). Progressive tandem learning for pattern recognition with deep spiking neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

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(2021). Multi-tone phase coding of interaural time difference for sound source localization with spiking neural networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing.

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(2021). HuRAI: A brain-inspired computational model for human-robot auditory interface. Neurocomputing.

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(2021). An Automatic Sound Classification Framework with Non-volatile Memory. Emerging Non-volatile Memory Technologies: Physics, Engineering, and Applications.

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(2021). A tandem learning rule for effective training and rapid inference of deep spiking neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

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(2020). You only spike once: Improving energy-efficient neuromorphic inference to ann-level accuracy. 2nd Workshop on Accelerated Machine Learning.

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(2020). Supervised learning in spiking neural networks with synaptic delay-weight plasticity. Neurocomputing.

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(2020). Parameter tuning-free missing-feature reconstruction for robust sound recognition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.

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(2020). Deep spiking neural networks for large vocabulary automatic speech recognition. Frontiers in neuroscience.

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(2020). Deep convolutional spiking neural networks for keyword spotting. in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH.

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(2020). An efficient threshold-driven aggregate-label learning algorithm for multimodal information processing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.

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(2020). An efficient and perceptually motivated auditory neural encoding and decoding algorithm for spiking neural networks. Frontiers in neuroscience.

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(2019). Robust Sound Recognition: A Neuromorphic Approach.. in Interspeech.

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(2019). Neural population coding for effective temporal classification. in 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

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(2019). Mpd-al: an efficient membrane potential driven aggregate-label learning algorithm for spiking neurons. in Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence.

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(2019). Deep spiking neural network with spike count based learning rule. in 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

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(2019). Competitive STDP-based feature representation learning for sound event classification. in 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

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(2018). An event-based cochlear filter temporal encoding scheme for speech signals. in 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

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(2018). A spiking neural network framework for robust sound classification. Frontiers in neuroscience.

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(2018). A biologically plausible speech recognition framework based on spiking neural networks. in 2018 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN).

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